In previous articles, I tried to build the pjsip package, but it's hard for me to make sure the package is work correctly because of my lacking knowledge of sip. Then I try to be more familiar with how the sip works. First, prepare a PC and install the switch on it. We have two popular choices, one is Asterisk and another one is Freeswitch. I choose the Freeswitch because there is a precompiled binaries for win7 already.
After installation, remember to allow the application to pass firewall. Because it is just for testing, I execute the Freeswitch with default configuration.
When the switch is done, we could choose the softphones to test. Here are the information of the softphones.
I choose the FSClient on windows 7.
Set the device configuration.
Add the test account and register to Freeswitch.Then we can use the FSClient to do the test. More information in the getting started guide.
There are some common extensions for testing
1000, 1001, ..., 1019 - Generic SIP extensions5000 - demo IVR (requires sounds and music files to be installed)
9195 - five second delay echo test
9196 - standard echo test
9197 - milliwatt extension
9198 - tetris extension for demo TGML generation
9664 - music on hold (requires music files to be installed)
It's easy, just dial it.