I like to play basketball since I was a high school student and I still play around one to twice a week now. Although I love this sport, I do not have too much passion to see the games like NBA after MJ retired. In past year, I started to pay attention on it. One reason is Jeremy Lin and the other is the CEO of my company bought Memphis Grizzlies last year. I start to realize this is not just only a game but also contain a lot of things in it.
There are two trades that I noticed in recently. One is no doubt Grizzlies because it's much more related to my life. But I'm more interesting on Houston Rocket's trade. There is an article that wrote by blog in Taiwan and I learn a lot from this article.
This guy 'isay' observe the unusual dispatch of the McHale before the all star game. He analysis the position, salary...etc of all players and provide a list of 5 players on 2/17. The news disclosed early today, 4 players in the list are traded. I'm amazing that he have the high accurate prediction. Maybe this author have the business sense too. After this, I may have a different view to see the sports not only NBA but also MLB...etc.